Alumni endowed professorships support full range of faculty efforts
Among the highest honors a university can bestow on its faculty are endowed professorships, which help to attract and retain exceptional researchers, clinicians and teachers. An endowed professorship continues as long as the university endures, representing a sustained commitment to support the advancement of the medical school.
In 1978, the Alumni Endowed Professorship program was established with the goal of creating one professorship in each department of the School of Medicine. The professorships are funded by unrestricted gifts of $1,000 and greater from medical alumni and former staff.

To date, the program has funded nine professorships.
“I am very grateful to the alumni for this professorship,” says Alan C. Braverman, MD, the Alumni Endowed Professor of Cardiovascular Diseases. “Washington University is an incredible research facility, and we also want to be known for providing excellent clinical care. When we give these professorships to clinicians, it highlights the mission of the medical school in research and clinical care.”
Braverman’s professorship helps him conduct clinical research projects on aortic dissections and aneurysms that would not have been possible otherwise. It also provides support for the Washington University Marfan Syndrome and Genetically Triggered Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Clinic.
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